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Dräger web pages, their design, text, images, graphics, databases, animation files and downloads of all types (collectively “contents”) are copyright protected. Web pages or parts thereof may not be duplicated, modified, downloaded or used on other websites unless duplication or use thereof is requested or approved by Dräger in writing or by e-mail. Dräger reserves all rights, particularly copyrights, competition law and trademark law claims for unauthorised use of the Dräger web pages or parts thereof, and of its registered trademarks.
The Dräger website is for information purposes only. Product descriptions are not a substitute for reading the operating instructions. Any information and contents found on the Dräger website, particularly instructions for use, are non-binding. Always follow the operating instructions included with the products exclusively. Knowledge reflected in reports continuously changes based on research and development. The authors took great care to ensure the information, particularly regarding the application and mode of functioning, to correspond with the state of the science at the time the report was initially published. However, this does not release you from your duty to make decisions on your own responsibility.
Dräger assumes no guarantee for the information and contents of Dräger web pages being complete and correct unless expressly agreed otherwise with Dräger or Dräger chooses to avouch the information or contents being complete or correct. Dräger reserves the right to modify or update the information in web pages at any time and without notice. This also applies to improvements and/or changes to the products described.
The duties of Dräger with respect to products and services are limited to only the respective agreed scope.
Dräger web pages hold no guarantee of quality, assurances or warranty of any type.
We are liable for external contents in accordance with the legal regulations. In the event of links to external websites, please note we have no control over the contents and the design of external websites and are not adopting the contents thereof.
Safety notice
It is your duty to ensure the applications you are using to visit the Dräger web pages are virus-free. Due to being publicly accessible and the possibilities for unauthorised third parties to modify contents, the use of the internet involves risks which you are acknowledging by using the internet. Dräger is not liable for damages resulting from these risks materialising whilst visiting the Dräger web pages or a linked web page unless Dräger is responsible for the risk itself and said materialising. Dräger is particularly not liable for service interruptions, loss of software or other data on your information system.